Top: H&M   | Trousers: H&M | Shoes: New Look | Purse: New Look

Fur Scarf: By me info@funmialabi.co.uk

*Hands on Bible* I promise to say the truth, and nothing but the truth!

Truth is I very much enjoy my own company. Loner? Not at all. I just like spending some time with…me. Friends think I’m weird; but sometimes you can do without some of the fuss encountered when with people *covers face*. I go shopping alone. I definitely don’t like the ‘Do I look good/fat in this?’ scenarios. Too awkward!  If I need your opinion on anything, I’ll send you a picture hehe. Restaurants? Yes! All you need is great food and a good book. Mmmm… To the cinema? Why not?! There are so many benefits to spending time alone, the most prominent being a better understanding of your composition.

Having said that, I do try to find the balance between me time and ‘us’ time.  I must admit, time spent with friends are invaluable. I do appreciate my friends; the incredible talents, great wisdom, selfless love, endless banters, can’t but love them. <3

Do you spend time with yourself? What do you enjoy doing? Do you prefer spending time with others? Leave your comments below and let’s get talking!

Pictures were taken at Searcy’s Champagne Bar, One New Change – A  stylish and sophisticated bar with great atmosphere, good affordable food and drinks, customer’s service was top notch, house staffs were incredibly helpful. Overall, it was a great experience. Would I recommend it? You bet I would!











  1. well funmi you are absolutely right you ain’t no loner lool. Yh i do know your quiet but at the same time i know when your round people your comfortable with am sure you do get crazy lool # don’t we all? however i’ll speak from my experience with you and i can say that you are sweet, down to earth and respective , you try to speak to people with much respect as much as you can. which i also respect alot.

    and for the passion for fashion you got going on,,,,,,,I LOVE IT. your style us unique and i have to say i will love to be your model. well if you think i have what it takes lool.

    1. Hi Esther, hope you’re well?
      Oh my, don’t even know where to start! Thank you so much for your kind words; I really do appreciate it. You call me sweet? You’re sweetER!
      With regards to you being a model, text me! Maybe we can make it happen sometime 😉

      Many thanks once again!
      Funmi x

  2. i know right. u totally just described me. I dunno why people give me a weird look when you tell them this. I love the boots.

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