Buon San Valentino A Tutti Gli Amanti



Hey guys, hope you all are having a great day today; whether or not you’ve got that significant other. Thanks to our social culture, we’re now forced to think Valentine’s Day is strictly for lovers. I beg to differ! Guys, Ladies, get out there, have a ball! Sure the images speak for me 😉

Speaking of the outfit, I love creating illusions with different pieces. What appears as a dress, actually is a top made by myself and the Tulle Skirt from my first blog post. During the festive season, I wore it to a Singles Ball, and everyone loved it, saying it was a lovely dress ;). I sure did keep the secret quiet.

Below, you’ll find a poem I wrote a while back on love, the meaning of true love, and what it means for someone to truly complete you.

Leave a comment below, tell me how you spent your day.

Tia Amo!

Funmi xx

Ps; Would you like a Tulle Skirt? Send me a message at info@funmialabs.co.uk. 









True Love


The mutual feeling between You and I

A story untold, yet visible to the eyes

Emotions’ taking me over

Feels like the philistines’ taking over

I feel so powerless

But with you, an empress

Guilty pleasures, worldly pleasures,

It all started with a word;

The truth, it then was.

The reality of every word;

It seemed impossible to doubt a word.


It was a seed

A weed

The ephemeral of every word;

Sharper than a two-edged sword.


It kills

It heals

The power of every word;

That never seems to be unthreaded.


It blesses

It curses

The effect of every word;

When said, only seemed like a word.


It convinces

It induces

The passion of every word;

That made me fall for every word.


A lamp unto my feet,

With no shadow of doubt lit.

The brightness of every word;

That keeps me from falling for the sword.


So pure,

It lures.

The conviction of every word;

That seems like a prescription…WORD!


…Only now, the word seems to have lost its strength.

Now, the thought of freedom fills my heart;


The thought of true love I reminisce over

Trying to detangle myself

Trying to free myself

Moving the chains up and down

Even turning myself upside down

…all seems effortless,



I’m struggling

And it’s all mind bugling

With these chains trying to keep me enslaved

I longed for the day I’d be saved

I longed for the day I’d be cleansed

That it might go away

Or, I walk away…


Not forgetting true love’s sweet taste…

Thoughts; this minute, freedom

Next, seldom…in true love’s kingdom


Truth is, it lasts longer than a minute

The feeling of having You around, I lust for

The feeling of Your presence is forever sure

It’s so unique,

That no other can imitate;

Like it’s mystique.


Crossing cultural boundaries,

Risking ridicule,

I long for Your true love…

The feeling of me being under Your wings….



Yet, identifiable.


The fear of You ever leaving overwhelms me;

Me being subject to a thousand on my right,

And ten thousand on my left

…or what I used to deem true…no…nooo…NO!


I’d rather You set me as a seal

Upon Your heart, upon Your arm

For love is as strong as death…

It burns like blazing fire

Even then, Your love is stronger!


I’d rather know there’s somebody there to hold me tight;

Somebody to kiss goodnight

Goodnight I say

Whilst I pray

That I may,

See another day to say…

I’m in love…with You…


Alabi F ” TrueLove” © Phumie Alabs, 2011

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