Hi all, hope you’re well and are wrapping up this mild winter! Well, if you aren’t, I can help with that. Hehe!
So long I’ve awaited the perfect moment to do this; longer than when the capes came into being (June, this year). I have only but actualized the fact that it might not come, so why wait any longer, right?! It’s taken an issue, setback or another to disprove the idea of “Perfect Timing” on this subject. Without wanting to reminisce, here we are! Let’s delve into it. Ah!
Capes! Capes!! Capes!!!
It’s the season for it. What makes ours different is the bespoke service we provide. They will be made in accordance to your requirements, down to fabric choice.
Our capes are produced using quality fabrics; they’re affordable and will be made to suit your occasion.
To place an order or make an enquiry, please contact us on info@funmialabi.co.uk